Photo Credit: Screenshot KTVU
Immediate aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings, April 15, 2013.

A suspect has been identified in the bombings that took place on Monday, April 15, at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

The suspect was seen on surveillance footage which showed a young man carrying, and perhaps dropping, a black bag at the second bombing scene. The camera at Lord & Taylor, located directly across the street from where the bomb went off, provided investigators with a clear video of the area, according to an unnamed official as cited by Fox News.


The circuit board suspected of being used to detonate at least one of the bombs has been recovered, and FBI investigators continue to scan and analyze the cell phone tower records to identify positive hits for signs of calls that may have triggered both explosions from remote locations.

There are continuing reports that the type of bomb used in the deadly blast was a “pressure cooker.”  Such bombs have been used in the past in major bombings in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Descriptions of the efficacy of such bombs and even explanations for how to build them can be found in Al Qaeda’s online magazine, Inspire. There are conflicting reports about whether an arrest has already been made, but all agree a suspect has been identified.

The third fatality of the bombings was identified today as a Boston University graduate student, Lingzu Lu. Lu is a Chinese national who had been studying mathematics and statistics.

UPDATE 3:23 pm ET: Boston federal courthouse has been evacuated after a bomb threat was called in.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]