Photo Credit: Yitshak Schlissel/TPS
Scene of Stabbing Attack at the Ariel Junction, March 17, 2016

The Arab settlement of Beit Fajjar (Beit Fajr) in Gush Etzion was locked down by the IDF, allowing no entry or exit except for emergencies, according to Haaretz, following the terror attack on Thursday in Ariel.

The two terrorists who stabbed the female soldier as she stepped off the bus were residents of Beit Fajjar. The woman was stabbed 6 or 7 times in the neck and upper body before being shot by nearby IDF soldiers.


The residents of Beit Fajjar has an extensive history of terror attacks, in particular, repeatedly attacking the Jewish community of nearby Kibbutz Migdal Oz as well as a number of the attacks at the Gush Etzion junction, including the murder of Hadar Buchris in November 2015 and a stabbing attack in December 2015.

Beit Fajjar’s terrorists are mostly associated with Tanzim/Fatah – the military wing of the PA/PLO.

Presumably, the two traveled out to Ariel to commit their terror attack, after deciding that Gush Etzion is too well guarded, as most terrorists in the Gush end up dead before, during or after their attacks.

Apparently in Ariel too.

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