Syrian soldiers and rebels killed more than 50 people and wounded more than 100 others in a car bomb blast in a regime-held neighborhood in Homs and mortar shelling attacks in Damascus.
The car bomb explosion killed 36 people and wounded more than 85, most of them civilians. In Damascus, at least 17 died and 50 other were wounded in the mortar shell barrage.
As usual, the regime of Syrian President Bassar al-Assad blamed rebels, whom it calls “terrorists,” for the attacks, which opposition forces apparently carried out considering that the victims in Homs were Alawites, the sect to which Assad belongs.
Human Rights Watch reports that Assad’s forces still are carrying out barrel-bomb attacks in the city of Aleppo, ignoring a U.N. resolution demanding a halt to the barbarian tactic.
However, virtually no one in Syria listens to the United Nations or anyone else as the civil war drags on in its fourth year, about three years after military and political “experts,” such as Ehud Barak of Israel, were dead certain that Assad would not last more than a few months.