Photo Credit: Courtesy
Prime Minister Netanyahu sharing Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull a framed photo of himself with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, taken when the premier was Israel's ambassador to the UN. Rabbi Levi Wolff presented the picture to the PM.

Among PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s initial stops after arriving in Australia on Wednesday to begin a four-day visit to the country, was Sydney’s Central Synagogue, led by Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Levi Wolff, where he and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull were greeted by a crowd of 2,000 members of the local Jewish community, reported.

Following Netanyahu’s speech, Wolff presented him with a framed photo of the prime minister receiving a dollar bill from the Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, taken during Netanyahu’s tenure as ambassador to the United Nations. Netanyahu walked over with the photo to Turnbull—who has proven a forceful advocate for Israel, blasting the UN Security Council’s recent Resolution 2334 condemning Israel—and told him: “This is the Lubavitcher Rebbe… when I came to the UN 30 years ago, he… told me: ‘You are going into a house of darkness, but even in such a dark place, if you being in a light, even a little light dispels much darkness.”

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