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Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s e-mails expose what President Barack Obama has tried to hide – a  person with absolutely no values or principles except to be politically correct.

The U.S. State Dept. on Friday released more of her hidden e-mails, and they show her as being uncertain and without a clue on relations with Israel.


She desperately sought advice in 2009 when she received advanced notice that the U.N.-sanctioned Goldstone Report thoroughly condemned Israel for alleged war crimes in Operation Cast Lead against Hamas missile attacks on Israel in late 2008 and early 2009. The voluminous report  was based on information that its author Richard  Goldstone later found out to be biased and led him to retract most of his criticism.

His original conclusions were devastating, and Clinton’s e-mails reveal she did not know what to think, according to the correspondence published by Vice News.

Clinton wrote her adviser Jack Sullivan:

What’s the guidance on what I should say? Mitchell just reported to me how strongly the Israelis feel that the POTUS and I speak out forcefully about it now.

And they said if there’s a vote in the UNGA that’s the end of the peace process. What do you know?

Mitchell at my request is calling [then-White House Chief of Staff] Rahm [Emanuel] and [US Ambassador to Israel] Dan Shapiro to report and be sure POTUS knows before he tapes shows today.

Clinton also showed no confidence about how to deal with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on the issue of building for Jews in “settlements” in Judea and Samaria.

Sandy Berger, who was her adviser as well her husband’s when he was president, e-mailed her:

The objective is to try shift [sic] the fulcrum of our current relationships with Bibi from settlements – where he thinks he has the upper hand – to ground where there is greater understanding in Israel of the American position and where we can make him uneasy about incurring our displeasure

Two weeks after e-mailing Sullivan on the Goldstone Report, Clinton e-mailed Berger, apparently referring to Netanyahu’s’ agreement to freeze construction:

Let me know how you think today played.

She did not ask for information. She did not ask for the meaning of the Goldstone Report or the freeze.  All she was worried about was how to react and how to play the game.

President Barack Obama does the same, but Clinton has been caught.

Clinton is campaigning as the greatest friend of Israel since God, Whom she has not yet e-mailed for advice.


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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.