Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Calflier001
Amerstand Schipol Airport in Netherlands.

An El Al flight departing Amsterdam en route to Tel Aviv did not leave as scheduled Thursday morning when officials suddenly spotted a suspicious vehicle on the tarmac.

The vehicle, with Belgian license plates, was seen in the area of the runway for take-off.


Several other flights that were scheduled for departure at the same time were also delayed as well, as Dutch officials scoured the airport.

Special ops police hunted through the area with ground forces and from the skies in a helicopter for at least an hour before calling off the search.

The airport was declared safe and all operations were returned to normal.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.