Former Shabak (Israel’s secret service) chief Carmi Gilon, speaking on the failure to stop “Tag Machir” (Price Tag) vandalism, said of the Shabak, “We don’t see results because we don’t have the intention to.”
Gilon added about the Shabak, “There’s no such thing as can’t – there’s don’t want to.”
Carmi Gilon was the head of the Shabak when it failed to prevent the assassination of PM Yitzchak Rabin.
Gilon also ran agent provocateur Avishai Raviv and aggressively went after Rabin’s grassroots civilian opponents who understood the dangers of the Oslo Accords.
Gilon’s agent, Avishai Raviv, instigated a number of high-profile provocations and tried to incite others to commit violent attacks against Arabs in order to lay the blame for these activities on Israel’s religious, settlers and all those who opposed the Oslo Accords.
One of Raviv’s more famous missions included creating and distributing the poster of Yitzchak Rabin in an SS uniform, which was then blamed on Rabin’s political enemies.