Photo Credit: Screenshot: IDF
Sgt. Jatemliansquy, originally from Argentina and now at home in Israel.

The important and challenging task of protecting the city of Shechem (Nablus) and its surrounding area no longer is just a man’s job. The Home Front Command made history by welcoming the first female soldiers to guard the line in Nablus.

Female combat soldiers make up 30% of the force in the newly co-ed David Company and are serving in the volatile area of Shechem, where last month the IDF seized several Palestinian Authority weapons caches.


Driving through the base in an armored vehicle clad with heavy vests and carrying their M-16s, group of female soldiers easily dispels any outdated stereotype about women.

One of the women is Sgt. Jatemliansquy, who was born in Argentina and enlisted in the IDF a year and a half ago, several months after making Aliyah.

She is part of the Search and Rescue unit and says:

We want civilians in the area to feel protected by our battalion.

Since I joined this unit, what I like and what excites me most is that children come with drawings to wish you Shabbat Shalom and to say thanks.

This is one of those things I wanted to hear the most.

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