Photo Credit: Flash 90
Israeli women take cover as a Code Red rocket alert siren activates. (archive)

At around 1:00 AM, two of the numerous rockets launched at Israel overnight hit buildings in Sderot. A third rocket from that round hit outside the city.

Those rockets that hit Sderot knocked out the electricity on a few city blocks, as well as damaging cars and buildings.


A family of four was saved when they entered the bomb shelter after the siren went off, and stayed there until after the rocket crashed into their building.

No one was killed in the attacks.

A few more rockets hit open areas nearby.

That was in addition to the dozens of rockets launched on Wednesday at Israel’s south.

The IDF spokesperson said that Israel retaliated against the rocket attacks, with at least 15 strikes at Hamas terror targets, including rocket launchers.

Despite those IDF strikes, Gaza still has electricity.

Iron Dome intercepted 2 rockets, one over Netivot, and the near Ashkelon.

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