Greece’s Ambassador to Israel Ambassador Spyridon Lampridis said Wednesday that the European Union is a friend of Israel and that Greece will make sure the EU does not boycott or isolate the country, despite differences of opinion.
He told Israel radio that Greece will do everything it can to prevent a diplomatic fight between Israel and the European Union with weapons such as labeling products with a stamp that make Israel look illegitimate.
“We give 100 percent seaport to the initiative of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and do not see any confrontation on the horizon,” he stated.
The remarks from an official from Greece, a close friend of Israel, normally could be discarded as being insignificant except that Greece for the next six months is the rotational president of the European Union.
Israeli media reported on Tuesday that Kerry is behind efforts to boycott Israel, a weapon that could be unleashed if Israel does not accept his demands for creating the Palestinian Authority as a new Arab country.