Hadassah New Zealand is planning to raise funds for the Rozana Project by participating in the March 2014 Jerusalem marathon and generating donations from sponsors in New Zealand and Israel, J-wire reported.

Tali Dowek, the Director of Hadassah’s Department of Development, Donors & Events, said that since the launch of the Rozana Project, about 2 years ago, Australia Hadassah and Anglican Aid have raised US$100,000.


She explained that the funds raised were in a special account at Hadassah Jerusalem and was intended to be used for three main purposes:

1. Support for Palestinian Arab children requiring specialized medical treatment at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

2. Support for Palestinian Arab doctors doing a residency at Hadassah. This spans 4 to 5 years and the annual cost to train each resident is approx. US$70,000

3. To provide short term training at Hadassah for Palestinian Arab doctors and medical experts in specific fields such as outpatient psychological/psychiatric clinics and associated disciplines.

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