Hamas claims an Islamic Jihad terrorist was killed in Gaza, but since the IDF said it did not carry out any counter-terrorist operations, either the story is phony or he died while working with explosives.

Hamas’ Health Ministry said that Mohammed al-Lila was killed in a drone attack on Gaza City. Islamic Jihad confirmed one of its members was killed, while military spokesmen said, “The IDF did not carry out overnight any air strikes and is not aware of any artillery fire or other shooting.”


The IDF has no reason to deny a counter terrorist attack, leaving open the possibility that nothing happened at all.

It would not be the first time that Hamas lied. It has previously been proven beyond a shadow of any doubt that some of the “victims” of the Israeli army died natural deaths or were killed while preparing bombs to use against Israel.

Given the propaganda wear against Israel that is spinning out of control amid the media vultures’ reports on Israel having the nerve to say “no” to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and on Israel having the audacity not to accept illegal infiltrators as “refugees,” today’s report of the Islamic Jihad terrorists won’t be the last.

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