Photo Credit: Yaakov Naumi/Flash90
Haredi IDF soldiers of the IDF Nahal Haredi battalion in the mess hall of their base, in the northern Jordan valley. The IDF is planning two new Haredi battalions and men only recruitment center and boot camp.

The Knesset passed the draft bill to increase the number of Ultra-Orthodox Jews who serve in the IDF.

The vote passed its second and third readings, and the vote was boycotted by the Knesset opposition.


Bayit Yehudi MK Yoni Chetboun voted against it, as he felt it was being used as a divisive tactic to create a division between the Haredi community and the Religious-Zionist community.

As a result of voting against the coalition, Chetboun forfeited his position on the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. He will also not be allowed to submit bills for the next six weeks.

The vote passed 67-1.

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