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A firebombed jeep in Kalandia - Feb. 29, 2016

Two young IDF soldiers accidentally drove into the Kalandia refugee camp, east of Jerusalem, on Monday night, around 10 PM.

The local Arabs attacked their vehicle with stones and firebombs.


Contact was lost with them as the Arabs burnt their jeep up.

The two soldiers managed to escape the vehicle, but in separate directions.

IDF forces and Border Policemen went in to rescue the soldiers. Arabs attacked the security force rescue teams with stones, firebombs and gunfire.

Some reports indicate that the Border Policemen primarily used riot control weapons and not live fire to disperse the attackers.

The first soldier was found and rescued 20 minutes after the attack began, the second soldier was only found and rescued after midnight, two hours later.

During the rescue mission, 5 Border Policemen were injured, 1 was moderately wounded, and 4 more were lightly wounded.

They were taken to Hadassah hospital for treatment.

The Arabs report multiple wounded among their combatants, with numbers anywhere from 4 to as high as 30.

#فيديو لاصوات الاشتباكات في مخيم قلنديا الان ..

Posted by ‎انا من القدس – I am from Jerusalem‎ on Monday, February 29, 2016

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