Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit.
The new breastfeeding room of IDF Unit 9900.

The servicewomen of Unit 9900, one of the highest classified intelligence units in the Israeli Defense Forces, recently pushed through a major shift in military policy that will make life easier for moms in uniform: Their unit now has a breastfeeding room.

The initiative began with a relatively embarrassing event. “I was hosting a delegation from abroad, and one of the visitors asked to pump milk for her baby,” said Major S., a software engineer in the unit. “I was lost for words. We didn’t have a nursing room. But I told the woman that, thanks to her, now we will.”


“Soldiers come up with new and creative ways to serve in the IDF every day. Work-life balance is one of the key considerations when it comes to choosing employment. The unit supports mothers and fathers who return from maternity and paternity leave and want to continue to provide their children with the best care,” the unit tweeted.

“The initiative has the full support of the unit and the unit commander. We hope that this will set a precedent, and many more nursing rooms will be created in the Intelligence Corps and the IDF in general.

“The room will help women and men understand that not only is their professional life being supported, but also their family lives. It makes a big difference to them,” said Major S.

The unit’s deputy unit commander, Lt. Col. R., added: “This nursing room is an important statement. The service people are being cared for. They are parents. They have other responsibilities, too. Creating this nursing room is a significant step for women and men alike.

This article first appeared in Israel Hayom.

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