Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
A Chareidi boy holds up a sign protesting the IDF draft. February 16, 2015.

The IDF has caught some 4000 young men, ages 17 – 24, who received draft deferrals after they claimed they lived a Chareidi (Ultra-Orthodox) lifestyle and learned in Yeshiva – but were in fact, doing anything but that, according to a YNet report.

Those receiving the Chareidi deferral are required to learn 45 hours a week in any of the 1000 recognized Yeshivas in Israel.


The IDF Human Resources division said that since they’ve begun stricter enforcement and background checks, they’ve caught 4000 people who received religious exemptions who were actually living completely secular lives.

Most of those caught have already received their draft orders.

The tool the HR division used to catch most of the draft dodgers was nothing more complicated than a Smartphone and Facebook.

Many of those who claimed to be Chareidim and learning in Yeshiva had Facebook pages.

The content of their pages, such as photos on them on the beach, pictures with girls, and pictures in nightclubs, proved that they were living anything but religious lives.

Photos of their friends also gave the HR division a hint as to who else they should look at.

Once caught, the IDF would call the suspected draft dodgers in for a hearing, where they are presented with the photographic evidence and given the chance to explain and defend themselves.

The army prefers to not involve the police, and most end up drafted.

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