Photo Credit: Kobi Richter/TPS
The Ashalim Solar Power Station in the Negev

Israel on Tuesday set an all-time new record in the production of renewable energy, the Israel Electrical Company stated.

The peak was set at 1326 MW, accounting for 19.3 percent of the total production.


The previous record for renewable energy production was set in February and stood at 1295 MW, approximately 16.4 percent of the total energy production in the economy.

The Israeli government has been supporting solar energy research since the establishment of the state, with the intention of harnessing science to help a country with few natural resources.

It has also approved laws and several government decisions aimed at encouraging the production of energy via renewable sources.

Israel has developed some of the world’s most advanced solar energy equipment and enjoys sunshine almost year-round.

It hopes to generate a higher percentage of its energy from renewable sources and is developing several projects to ensure this, including a 240 meter (787-foot) tall solar tower in the south which can generate up to 121 megawatts of power, providing about one percent of Israel’s electricity consumption.

Israel was crowned as the leading force in 2014 in the development of clean technologies, beating 40 other countries.

Its renewable energy innovation has received global recognition, with innovative ideas such as converting wind into electricity, technologies for clean water and other inventions that stimulate a more energy-efficient economy.

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