Photo Credit: Yonatan SIndel/FLASH90
Israeli police in the Jerusalem forest, near where the murdered Arab boy's body was found.

Israeli politicians and leaders from across the political spectrum rushed to unequivocally condemn the murder of 17 year old Mohammed Abu Khdeir. Abu Khdeir was kidnapped Tuesday night in Jerusalem, and his body was found in the Jerusalem forest.

The Media and Arabs were quick to blame rightwing Jews for a “revenge attack”, but there are indications at this point that it may have been an honor killing or related to a clan war.


From Minister Uri Ariel, Jewish Home: (translated)

Uri Ariel @saruriariel The murder Arab boy and burning his body this morning is a despicable act and shocking. I call the police to spare no efforts, to reach the killers fast and bring them to justice

From Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem:

Nir Barkat ‏@NirBarkat I vigorously condemn barbaric murder of boy in #Jerusalem. I am confident security forces will bring perpetrators to justice.

From Dani Dayan, Yesha Council Foreign Envoy:

Dani Dayan @dandayan More indications that murder of the Shuafat boy is intra-Palestinian criminal affair. It doesn’t matter for the poor boy. Nevertheless

Dani Dayan @dandayan If turns out that we became like them, it is terrible. Just not that.

From Minister Tzipi Livni, HaTnua: (translated)

Tzipi Livni ‏@Tzipi_Livni
Murder of the Arab in Jerusalem. Shocking incident that must be condemned, zero tolerance for it, work to find the killers and bring them to justice.

The Fraenkel family released a statement: (translated)

We do not know the exactly what happened last night in eastern Jerusalem, and the police are investigating. But if it is true a boy was killed for nationalistic reasons, we are talking about a troubling and horrifying act. There is no differentiating between blood and blood, murder is murder, whatever the nationality or age. There’s no justification, no forgiveness, and no redemption for any murder. – Yishai Fraenkel.

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