Internal Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovitch announced that he plans to restrict gun ownership in Israel even further.
Aharonovich will now require a psychological exam, besides the medical exam currently required. If an applicant fails the psychological exam, the new rules would actually require the appplicant to visit a psychiatrist.
Private indivduals and security guards hold 290,000 guns in Israel, and Aharonivich wants to reduce that number.
Aharanovich also wants to restrict the types of security guards that can get guns and limit them only to high risk businesses, as well as require the guards to hand in their guns at the end of their shifts.
The security companies are fighting the reform, as is the Ministry of Education, which doesn’t want the new restrictions to apply to their guards.
As it is, Israel has overly restrictive gun control laws, and many feel that Aharonovich’s “reforms” are going to far.