Two separate groups of French thugs mugged a young Jewish man wearing a Star of David, and a knife-wielding Muslim woman was arrested at the same Toulouse school where a terrorist killed four Jews last year.

The woman was arrested, but the daylight attackers of Jewish man in Marseille fled after stealing an MP3 player and 100 Euros, worth $135. The local French daily La Provence reported that that two men assaulted him outside a rain station-shopping mall. One of the men on a scooter tore the golden chain off the victim’s neck, called him a “dirty Jew” and fled the scene on the scooter with the pendant in hand.


The unnamed victim then was subject to another assault when a group that was standing nearby hurled anti-Semitic insults at him, hit him, according another daily newspaper, and stole his money and MP3.

Following the point-blank range murders of a rabbi and three students at the Toulouse Ohr Torah school in March 2012, the French government promised to beef up security at a schools and public places.

The president of the Marseille metropolitan area, Eugene Caselli responded, “I want to express my profound indignation and rage at this unacceptable act of racist violence.”

Though France has seen a 45 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the eight months since March 2012, when an Islamist fanatic killed four Jews in Toulouse, Marseille has seen relatively few such attacks.

In Toulouse, a French news site reported that the knife-wielding woman was arrested on Tuesday after she brandished the knife in a threatening manner in front of a 16-year-old boy leaving the school.

According to Direct Matin, a news website and daily newspaper, the woman shouted anti-Semitic slogans and “appeared mentally unstable.”

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