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A new poll by Teleseker has the Likud back in the lead.

ELi Yishai is surging upward, and Meretz is dropping.


Likud (Netanyahu): 24

Labor/Zionist Union (Herzog / Livni): 22

The Joint (Arab) List: 12

Bayit Yehudi (Bennett): 12

Yesh Atid (Lapid): 12

Kulanu (Kachlon): 8

UTJ (Gafni / Litzman): 8

Yachad (Eli Yishai): 6

Shas (Deri): 6

Yisrael Beyteynu (Liberman): 6

Meretz (Gal-On): 4

LEFT: Labor (22) + Arab List (12) + Yesh Atid (12) + Meretz (4) = 50

RIGHT: Likud (24) + Bayit Yehudi (12) + Kulanu (8) + UTJ (8) + Shas (6) + Yisrael Beytenu (6) + Yachad (6) = 70

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