Meaning, as soon as you get rid of the offensive housing minister, the rest of you will be bathing in the fragrant aura of acceptability…
And so, Avneri concludes—for the benefit of the Israeli media and his entire army of 47 followers:
“The Prime Minister who appointed Ariel to this key ministerial position is responsible for his actions. Specifically, Finance Minister Yair Lapid is responsible for having formed a political alliance with the settlers’ “Jewish Home Party” and letting Uri Ariel become the Minister of Housing.
“Obviously, progress toward peace with the Palestinians is incompatible with the presence of the Jewish Home Party in the government.”
And there, at the call to remove the foreign plant of Jewish Home from the orchard of our peace loving government, there is where the truly extremist left meets with the “left of center” Tzipi Livni and Yair Lapid. Avneri and his huge cadre of followers at the foundations of Israel’s media, will now be repeating this mantra tirelessly, until the average Israeli will start whispering it in his sleep:
“If only we got rid of Jewish Home, we’d have lasting peace in 9 months.”
It’s precisely how they managed it countless times in the past, starting with the Oslo agreements. And they’re very good at it.