Photo Credit: Yochai Hillel / TPS
Bringing Dafna Meir, z'l, to be laid to rest. Jan. 18, 2016.

by Ilana Messika The military court in Judea sentenced the terrorist who stabbed 39-year old Dafna Meir to death last January at her home in Otniel to life imprisonment, and ordered the man to pay NIS 1.75 million in damages.

On the evening of January 17, 2016, the terrorist entered the Otniel, south of Hebron, through a hole in the fence and went on to murder Meir — a nurse in the neurosurgery department at Soroka Medical Center — in front of three of her six children.


The defendant confessed to a charge of first-degree murder.

The Court emphasized that the appropriate punishment for someone who committed a crime of such extraordinary brutality and in cold blood is deprivation of liberty for the rest of his life. The Court further recommended that the killer never be considered for early release.

The name of the convict was not released because he is a minor.

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