5:53pm Shabbat Shalom from the Israel staff.
5:21 Shaar HaNegev….Sedot HaNegev alerts.
5:04pm Multiple rockets shot at Shaar Hanegev.
4:58pm More rockets. ..Shaar HaNegev and Sedot Negev.
4:55pm Rockets shot at Sedot Negev and Shaar HaNegev.
4:28pm Eshkol.
3:40pm Bnei Shimon Region
3:38pm Ein HaShlosha
3:27PM Rocket Alert Beer Sheva, Omer, Bnei Shimon region, Ofakim, Tel Sheba
2:39pm Sirens in Netivot and Bnei Shimon. Iron Dome x2
1:46pm Merchavim
1:22pm Eshkol
1:18pm Red Alert Ashdod, Hevel Yavne x2. Iron Dome take-down
1:10pm Multiple sirens- Eshkol
1:05pm The soldier who was hurt in yesterday evening’s rocket attack has taken a turn for the worse and his condition is now listed as serious.
His name: Mordechai Chai ben Bracha Yehudit.
12:51pm Barrage at Ashkelon…
12:46pm Sedot Negev….Ashkelon. ..Sederot.
12:21pm Mortar hits house in Eshkol region. Family in bomb shelter. No injuries. Family had 15 seconds to get into the bomb shelter.
12:00pm Alerts in Shaar HaNegev
11:37am Asheklon alerts
11:21am Eshkol region
11:00am Color Red alerts: Nahal Oz, Alumim, Sdnot NEgev, Shaar Negev
10:55am Reports of burning hot rocket fragments after Iron Dome intercept hitting cars in Greater Tel Aviv….no injuries reported at this time.
10:52 Red Alert Ben Shemen, Ginaton, Lod, Nir Tzvi, Ashdod…
10:44am Color Red alerts: entire Mediterranean coastline up to Herzliya, Kfar Chabad, including Ashdod, Bnei Braq, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Ramat HaSharon, Givatayim, Ben Gurion International Airport, Dan Region, Sha’ar HaNegev
10:43am Gush Dan…..here they come!!!!
10:25am Code Red alerts: Kfar Aza, Kibbutz Sa’ad
10:05am Color Red alerts: Nitzan, Nitzanim
9:33am IDF hits rocket launcher that hit Ashdod gas station.
9:11am Iron dome intercepts in Eshkol region.
9:01am Alerts in Ashkelon
8:48am UPDATE A 50 year old man was seriously injured in the Gazan rocket strike on the Ashdod gas station.
8:35am UPDATE Two people were lightly injured, one person was seriously injured in rocket attack on Ashdod gas station.
8:25am UPDATE What we know so far: Multiple injured. 1 seriously.
Photo: Rotter.net
8:15am Update: Rocket his Ashdod gas station. Initial report says there may be injured.
Photo: Rotter.net
8:06am Gadera, Ashkelon
8:01am Red alert Netivot, Ashdod, Lachish, Rishon L’Tzion.
7:44am Barrage at Hullit
7:35am Red Alert Eshkol
IDF artillery attacks Lebanon position that launched on Israel.
6:49am Merchavim – Iron Dome x2. Shaar HaNegev
6:33am Sirens in Netivot area
6:31am Sderot, Otef Aza
6:29am Channels 2 and 10 reporting a rocket attack on Metulla on Israel’s northern border from Lebanon…
Photo by Smiley Hafuch / Rotter.net
At 3:30am….there was a rocket attack in the Haifa area….2 Iron Dome intercepts. ..
3:30 Red Alert: Haifa, Hadera, Carmel, Menashe
Woman collapsed and died while running to bomb shelter in Haifa.
2:01am Color Red alert: Sdot Negev Regional Council
1:35am Color Red alert: all Gaza Belt communities (Eshkol, Sha’ar HaNegev, Sdot Negev)