Photo Credit: Aryeh Savir / TPS
Area where the victim's stabbed body was discovered in Gush Etzion. August 8, 2019

Kibbutz Migdal Oz, just south of Efrat, was attacked on Tuesday night by an Arab terrorist who threw a firebomb at its southern gate, the 16th time such an attack has occurred in the past two months.

Footage of the attack taken by a security camera and seen by TPS shows a car with an Israeli license plate stopping near the gate. A man emerges from the car, ignites the bomb and throws it, and then quickly returns to the car which speeds away toward the nearby Arab town of Beit Fajr.


The attack caused no damage or injuries.

Kibbutz Migdal Oz, in Gush Etzion, shares a joint route with Beit Fajr, which is under the control of the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Many terrorists and attacks have emerged from Beit Fajr.

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