Photo Credit: Flash 90
Israel Railways train.

A video released from Gaza has Israeli defense officials worried. The video shows a passenger train traveling between Ashkelon and Sderot being filmed from Beit Hanoun within Gaza, while a cameraman can be heard in the background snapping pictures.

If the train can be seen, tracked and filmed from Gaza, just a few hundred meters away, then the train and tracks can also be hit by an anti-tank missile or rocket from Gaza.


On April 7, 2011, Hamas terrorists in Gaza targeted a nearly empty school bus near Kibbutz Sa’ad in Shaar HaNegev with a laser-guided Kornet anti-tank missile. The attack killed a teenager, Daniel Viflic, the last student on the bus.

The IDF has given its recommendations to the government for protecting the train.

Based on previous solutions, the question is, did the IDF recommend building a bomb shelter over the entire length of the train tracks, placing a transportable missile shield over the train, install a warning siren so the passengers have a half-second to duck for cover, or simply not running the train at all? It’s doubtful the solution will be to disarm Gaza.

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