Photo Credit: GovernmentZA
UN General Assembly

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night posted on his Facebook page: “Yesterday we officially announced to the United Nations that we will be cutting our annual contribution to the UN by six million dollars.” He added: “Israel will not support bodies that are acting against it as a result of UN sponsorship.”

“One of these organizations is UNRWA, which funds Palestinian textbooks that incite against Israel, deny Israel’s right to exist, and call the city of Tel Aviv ‘Tel al-Rabia,” Netanyahu explained.


“In two weeks I will receive recommendations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for additional steps to take against the United Nations,” Netanyahu stated.

In 2016, the UN General Assembly adopted 20 resolutions against Israel and only 4 resolutions on the rest of the world combined: one each on Syria, Iran, North Korea and Crimea.

In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopting 20 anti-Israel resolutions and only 3 resolutions on the rest of the world combined.

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