Photo Credit: Marc Israel Sellem/POOL/FLASH90
Netanyahu holds the weekly cabinet meeting in the Kirya, IDF HQ in Tel Aviv, during Operation Protective Edge.

At the special government cabinet meeting held this morning in the Kirya (IDF HQ) in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated, “I am able to say now, what I wasn’t able to say yesterday – those responsible for the kidnapping are Hamas, the same Hamas with whom Abu Mazen formed a unity government, and there will be serious consequences.”

Netanyahu added, “We are taking all steps to return the kidnapped home. I give a hug and encouragement to all the families from all of Israel.”


Two Hamas terrorists in Hebron went into hiding last week, and it is believed they are involved in the kidnapping.

The names of the three boys kidnapped in Gush Etzion are, Eyal Yifrach (19) from Elad, Naftali Frankel (16) from Nof Ayalon and Gil-ad Sheyar (16) from Talmon.

Eyal Yifrah (19), Gil-Ad Shayer(16) and Naftali Frenkel (16)

Video of Saturday night’s briefing:

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