Photo Credit: Amos Ben Gershom / GPO
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks on the first night of the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, December 24, 2016.

Within hours after the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to condemn Israel and demand an end to settlement activity in any area restored to the Jewish State as of 1967, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was taking diplomatic action to address the UNSC members who had sponsored the resolution.

Two of the four nations who brought the measure to the floor – Venezuela and Malaysia – have no diplomatic ties with Israel. But their partners in proposing the resolution, Senegal and New Zealand, both have relations with the Jewish State.


By the end of the day, Netanyahu had recalled Israel’s ambassadors to both New Zealand and Senegal home for “consultations.” In his dual role as Israel’s Foreign Minister, Netanyahu also ordered a stop to all aid programs to Senegal and canceled the upcoming visit of the Senegalese foreign minister.

In addition, he canceled the visits in Israel of both non-resident ambassadors from New Zealand and Senegal.

Those who work with Israel will gain, he said, “because Israel has a lot to offer the nations of the world. “But those who stand against us will lose, because there will be a diplomatic and economic price to their actions against Israel.”

In addition, within 24 hours after the vote, the prime minister had cut NIS 30 million in funding to five UN institutions “that are particularly hostile towards Israel,” he said.

Moreover, he canceled next week’s scheduled official state visit to Israel by Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, to protest Kiev’s vote in favor of the resolution as well.

Meanwhile, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement Saturday allegedly explaining its reason for withdrawing Resolution 2334 from consideration on Thursday at the United Nations Security Council.

“Egypt is the key partner in ensuring negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian side,” Cairo said. “Therefore, it is necessary to take a balanced stance to keep an opportunity for maneuver and influence on the both sides of the upcoming negotiations focused on finding a comprehensive and fair settlement, which would guarantee the implementation of the rights of all Palestinians based on the UN decisions,” Egypt’s foreign ministry said, according to Sputnik News.

Egypt’s statement of explanation was held back, however, and issued only after the UNSC unanimously passed the resolution, which was instead advanced to a vote the very next day by New Zealand, Senegal, Venezuela and Malaysia.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.