But finally someone heard what Basker was saying about the need for an incubator of pro-Israel initiatives, and told her she should do it. That person, who chooses to remain anonymous, put up the money to launch the Kadima Fund. While the entity is in its initial stages, Basker will run the Kadima Fund on a pro bono basis. She already has close to a dozen people who will be helping her review proposals and make decisions about what initiatives will receive support, and in what form.
“We’d rather fund lots of projects for smaller amounts of money, then use most of our resources to support only a few projects,” Basker explains. The website has ideas for projects with which it can help, as well as a simple, five-step application for assistance and a clear set of terms.
For those who have great ideas, or those who want to find out about best practices for responding to issues about Israel, the Kadima Fund is a new model that promises to provide answers, assistance and will make a huge difference.