Photo Credit: Eldan David, 07/09/1972
Israel's national flag flies at half-mast at Lod Airport, awaiting Israeli athletes murdered by Arab terrorist at Munich Olympics.

A new public school in the Palestinian Authority has been named after Salah Khalaf, head of the Black September terrorist group.

Among the attacks planned by Khalaf was the murder of the 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, and the murder of two American diplomats in Sudan.


The school, located in the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Tulkarem, “will serve as a daily reminder to Arab children that murdering Israelis is a heroic act when they attend the Martyr Salah Khalaf School,” pointed out the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) watchdog organization which translated the announcement of the dedication in the official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida.

The Palestinian Authority laid the cornerstone for the new school a few weeks ago, according to the report. At the ceremony, Tulkarem district governor Issam Abu Bakr “emphasized the importance of the project of building the school named after Martyr Salah Khalaf, in order to commemorate the memory of this great national fighter.”

This is the fourth school the Palestinian Authority has chosen to name after this terrorist, in addition to three others in Gaza. Also attending the ceremony were Tulkarem Mayor Iyad Al-Jallad and Salam Al-Taher, head of the Tulkarem Education Directorate, part of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education – which receives funding from the United States and the European Union.

The PMW has released a report, PA Education, A Recipe for Hate and Terror, that documents evidence of 25 Palestinian Authority schools that have been named after terrorist murderers. Also documented in the report is evidence that the PA Ministry of Education is responsible for naming and changing the existing names of PA schools.

The watchdog group has written to the European Union, which funds the salaries in the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education, and called on the EU to hold up its funding on condition the PA changes the names of all schools that bear dedications and names after terrorists.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.