Why is he scary? Read what he told Goldberg::
I want Israel, in the same way that I want the United States, to embody the Judeo-Christian and, ultimately then, what I believe are human or universal values that have led to progress over a millennium. The same values that led to the end of Jim Crow and slavery. The same values that led to Nelson Mandela being freed and a multiracial democracy emerging in South Africa. The same values that led to the Berlin Wall coming down.
To repeat: “I want Israel, in the same way that I want the United States, to embody the Judeo-Christian and, ultimately then, what I believe are human or universal values.
So much for Judaism.
Obama will preach “universalism” to the Conservative Jewish crowd today. It is not Judaism, but it is the “Judaism” that liberal American Jews like to hear, especially from the President of the United States.
It makes them feel good as Americans to know that the United States of America is a country of “freedom, liberty and justice for all” and that American Jews have a God-given mission to makes Israel in their image.