Shurat Hadin reports:

The Green Party of Ohio recently voted to endorse divestment of the Jewish state. The move came after last month Ohio’s state government purchased $42 million in Israeli bonds, the largest single purchase of the latter in US history.


The state now has a total of $80 million in bonds.

According to anti-Israel activists associated with the left-wing Green Party, the large sum “represents a massive investment on behalf of Ohio citizens, undertaken without our consent, in a state that regularly violates international law and human rights.”

The Green Party members underline that the “recent purchase of Israeli bonds by the state of Ohio, in direct contravention of the international divestment movement, shames the state of Ohio and poorly reflects upon the character of Ohio’s citizenry who strive for justice and equality. To rectify this grave injustice, we demand that the State of Ohio remove from its portfolio the entirety of its $80 million in Israeli bonds and refuse to invest in the state of Israel while it continues to violate international law and human rights in Palestine.”

Other endorsing groups include the Free Gaza Coalition of Northeast Ohio and the International Socialist Organization.

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