Photo Credit: Palestine Cup Final Flyer, courtesy of Simon Wiesenthal Center
This flyer was distributed at the Palestine Cup Soccer Final - it says the teams competing are the killers vs the kidnappers of two IDF soldiers.

Maybe this will convince world leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama, that Gazans are not victims of Israeli aggression, but are instead victims of the brainwashing by their demonic leadership.

Gaza is holding its year’s soccer finals. That alone should be a clue to those who claim Gaza is an “open air prison” that there is more than just a semblance of normalcy to life in Gaza.


The two teams competing in today’s ‘Palestine Cup’ final (Sunday, June 6), one from Shujaeiya and the other from Rafah.

But what the learned from Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, is that the flyer distributed before the game says this match was between the kidnappers of Oron Shaul and those of Hadar Goldin.

Staff Sgt. Shaul, 20, and Lt. Oron, 23, were Israeli soldiers who were killed in Gaza last summer during Operation Protective Edge. The bodies of both boys continue to be held by Hamas.

“It is difficult to put into words how great the outrage is at Hamas’ bottomless inhumanity,” charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

“While the UN prepares its next denunciation of Israel for defending her citizens last summer from Hamas terrorism and while world leaders demand that Israel agree to a timeline to reach a two state solution, those leaders maintain their silence at the outrages like today’s flyers and allow Hamas to use the remains of dead Israeli soldiers to taunt the grieving Israeli families while teaching young Gazans more hate and inhumanity, Cooper added.

“Instead of granting a Hamas group the legitimacy of an NGO at the UN, world leaders, starting with those gathered at the G7 conference in Germany, should denounce Hamas for their genocidal hatred of Israel and the Jewish people,” Cooper concluded.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]