Photo Credit: Rabbis for Human Rights
Graffiti scrawled by price tag vandals in an Arab village in Samaria Monday night.

“Price Tag’ vandals slashed tires on dozens of cars and destroyed trees in the Arab village of Kablan in Samaria Monday night, according to local villagers and the pro-Palestinian Authority Rabbis for Human Watch organization.

Most of the damaged vehicles reportedly were in car repair garage, and graffiti was scrawled on a nearby wall with the slogan “Na Nach Nachm Nachman M’Uman,” a mantra used by Breslov Chassidic followers of Rav Nachman.


If the rabbi were alive today, he would be sorely tested to retain his saintly presence in the face of the alleged vandalism that continues to paint all Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria as criminals.

The police and the IDF have opened up an investigation. Leftists have criticized police for not being able to catch and bring to price tag vandals to a trial that results in a conviction.

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