Photo Credit:
Aerial Firefighting Unit / IDF

The heavy heat wave, now in its second day, continues to cause fires around Israel. A forest fire broke out Sunday morning in Daliyat al-Karmel, a Druze town onn Mount Carmel, some 13 miles southeast of Haifa, News 0404 reported. Firefighters are at the burning forest, assisted by two firefighting planes.

Open area fires have broken out Sunday in Tel Mond, a suburb of Netanya, as well as near Route 85, between Acre and Jadeidi-Makr.


Firefighters have also been at work putting out a brush fire near Palmachim in Rishon Letzion, as well as another, similar fire near the Kesem Interchange on Toll Highway 6.

Residents have been evacuated from their homes as large firefighting forces—eight teams—are trying to overcome a major forest fire near Moshav Luzit south of Beit Shemesh. The fire has damaged local chicken coops. Four planes are involved in the operation.

Seven firefighting teams are fighting a fire in Mata, also near Beit Shemesh. Route 435 was closed to traffic. Another fire broke out near Abu Gosh, on the main highway to Jerusalem, and the wind is causing the fire to spread fast.

A natural forest in the neighborhood of Naveh Sha’anan in Haifa has been on fire on Monday, with six teams laboring to put it out. Yeshiva children nearby have been evacuated.

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