For an Israeli election race where no one can actually say what the important issues of the race are, voter turnout has been at an all time high all day long.

By 2:00PM, voting was at 38.3%, compared to the previous high in 1999, when it was at 34%.


At 4:00 PM, voting reached 46.6%, compared to the previous high in 1999, when it was 41.9%

At 6:00 PM, voting reached 55.5%, compared to the previous high in 1999, when it was 50.3%

At 8:00 PM, voting reached 67.3%, compared to the previous high in 1999, when it was 59.7%

It’s also a beautiful day outside, and citizens are clogging up the highways as they advantage of the official day off and slowly travel to parks around the country.


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