Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of the Shapira family
Ayala Shapira, 11, is fighting for her life after suffering burn wounds when an Arab terrorist threw a Molotov cocktail at the car in which she was riding.

Doctors at Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv said Friday morning that there is a “slight improvement” in the condition of 11-year-old Ayala Shapira, who still is fighting for her life after a Palestinian Authority terrorist set on fire the car in which she and her father were riding last night.

They live in the El Matan outpost, adjacent to Maaleh Shomron, which is part of the Maaleh-Ginot-Karnei Shomron communities between Kfar Saba and Kedumim.


Her father escaped the burning vehicle with light burn wounds. Ayala suffered burns over 30-40 percent of her body, mostly in the upper parts and in the face.

Last month, Ayala’s mother Ruth was targeted in a similar Molotov cocktail attack in the same spot of last night’s attack. Her car was destroyed but she was not injured.

The girl’s father Avner told Yediot Acharonot that he saw the terrorists lighting the firebomb and throwing it.

“I shouted to my daughter to get out and she was able to do so,” he said. “We were able by the grace of God to get out of the car, but she was much more seriously wounded than I was. We hope that the hospital staff will be able to return her to her previous state.”

Ruth Shapira told the Israeli newspaper, “Ayala is a very special girl. She is an exceptionally smart child, who was on her way home from a program for youth gifted in mathematics at the Bar-Ilan University. “

Police said that Ayala almost certainly would have been dead if she had not rolled herself on the ground to extinguish the flames on her burning body.

As usual after a terrorist attack, the army sent a large number of soldiers to search for the attacker, who still is at large.

The nearby highway 55, the only direct road connecting Kfar Saba with Jewish communities in the area, has been the scene of hundreds of attempts to kill Jews with rocks, firebombs and guns. The army occasionally deploys several patrols simultaneously on the road.

And how does the pro-Palestinian Authority crowd understand the attack.

The Bethlehem-based Ma’an News Agency told its English-speaking readers, who include foreign media, a blanket lie.

“Maaleh Shomron is part of a larger settlement bloc…surrounding a number of Palestinian villages on at least three sides and preventing Palestinians from freely moving in the area,” it wrote.

As usual, the opposite is true.

There are far more Arab villages than there are Jewish communities, and the only ”preventing” to moving freely comes from Palestinian Authority terrorists who constantly try to murder Jews.


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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.