Photo Credit: Isaac Harari/Flash90
Knesset Chairman Yuli Edelstein (L) and Bayit Yehudi MK Nissan Slomiansky (R) attend a meeting of the Law and Court Committee at the Knesset.

( Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud), who told the Knesset on Tuesday there was an urgent need to form a unity government, has been acting behind the scenes to turn his idea into reality, NRG reported. In recent days, Edelstein spoke with the leader of the opposition, MK Itzhak Herzog, and tried to feel him out regarding the possibility of his party joining Netanyahu’s government.

Edelstein expects to spend the coming days in talks with the leaders of Israel Beiteinu and Yesh Atid, Avigdor Lieberman and Yair Lapid. The speaker does not intend to pressure party leaders into a partnership with the Likud, but rather to probe whether they are at all open for a discussion, in view of the difficult security situation.


“Many citizens have been crying out for days and weeks since the wave of terrorism began, that the time has come to do something,” Edelstein said from the Knesset podium Tuesday, adding, “This is a moment of truth for Israel. This is the time to put the disputes aside. It is time for all of to unite in the face of terrorism. It is time to stand as one front, strong and robust.” And, therefore, Edelstein said, “I urge all of you in this House and the leadership of Israel, and all those for whom the fate, future and strength of Israel is important and dear, to get up and join the government. It is time for a unity government. This is not the hour of minor considerations, this is no time to play games for honors or seats.”

“I have no doubt that the vast majority of the public is looking at us puzzled and concerned, expecting us to show maturity and responsibility, and to abandon the routine business, because this is not the time for routine but an emergency,” Edelstein declared. “In the face of nasty and lowly attacks — there are no camps. In face of a murderous enemy, who wants only to weaken us and make us disappear from here — there are no political parties and no sectarianism.”

Speaker Edelstein did not reveal whether he was acting on behalf of Prime Minister Netanyahu, and whether he received the consent of the PM’s right-wing partner, Bayit Yehudi, for his campaign.

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