Photo Credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90
Israelis light candles outside a pub on Dizengoff Street in north Tel Aviv where 2 people were killed and 8 wounded by a terrorist.

The family of the Dizengoff terrorist, Nashat Melhem from Wadi Ara, are forging a Sulha, an Arab peace reconciliation agreement, with the family of the Arab taxi driver, Amin Shaaban, whom the terrorist killed during his escape after his attack on Dizengoff Street, according to a report in YNet.

The ceremony will be held next Saturday, after months of negotiations. If a Sulha isn’t formed, it can lead to a clan war between the two families.


As part of the peace agreement, Melhem’s family will say the taxi driver was shot by accident. Traditionally, the victim’s family will also receive significant financial compensation.

Nashat Melhem, an Israeli-Arab, opened fire into a Tel Aviv pub on January 1, 2016, killing two Israelis and wounding eight. He used his father’s licensed gun in the attack.

During his escape, the terrorist got into an taxi, and then shot and killed the taxi driver, an Israeli-Arab from Lod.

Israeli police found Melhem a week later and killed him in a shootout.

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