Photo Credit: Regavim
EU employee (see breast insignia) holding a rock to be thrown at Israeli soldiers. / Photo credit: Regavim

A group of concerned British ex-pats and Israelis has launched a public campaign to encourage pro-Israel Britons to “vote leave” in the upcoming EU Referendum.

The “Support-Israel — Leave Europe” website focuses on four major reasons why Zionists should oppose the EU and seek to weaken it by encouraging Britain to leave. The first reason is the fact that the EU has spent millions on aid money to the Arabs, much of which has ended-up in the hands of convicted terrorist murderers, including those who brutally killed five members of the Fogel family. Second, the illegal EU funded building of more than 1,000 structures for Arabs across Area C in an attempt to establish a de-facto Palestinian State. Third, the recent EU directive encouraging the labeling of Israeli goods made in Judea and Samaria, which amounts to state-sponsored anti-Semitism. Fourth, the hundreds of anti-Israel NGOs that receive hundreds of millions of pounds directly and indirectly from the European Union in an effort to de-legitimize the Jewish State.


Ari Briggs, international director of land monitoring and legal advocacy NGO Regavim, explained the rationale behind the campaign: “For decades the European Union has meddled in Israeli affairs to the detriment of the Jewish State. For thousands of Israel supporters in the United Kingdom and ex-pats around the globe, it’s pay back time. We call on everyone that supports Israel to “vote leave’ and deal a major blow to this mammoth bureaucracy that has an unhealthy obsession with Israel.”

“We encourage all eligible ex-pats in Israel and elsewhere to make sure they are on the electoral registry before the June 7 deadline to ensure they can vote,” Briggs added, saying “all the information needed is provided on our website:

Regavim is dedicated to ensuring responsible, legal and accountable use of Israel’s national land. By investigating claims on the ground level, Regavim protects national land interests, presenting its findings in the form of white papers and legal action, in addition to briefing the press and diplomatic corps.

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