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The Bermondsey Square Hotel in London has reportedly become sharia compliant

A  trendy upscale hotel in London was bought by a “Middle Easterner” who has imposed a strict Islamic policy, at least with respect to food and alcohol.

The Bermondsey Square Hotel has now banned alcohol and pork, and reports from social media sites and the Daily Mail suggest current hotel guests are none too pleased.


Dishes such as beer battered shrimp and rum ice cream were lopped off the menu, and the bar is no longer serving any alcoholic drinks. Patrons were reportedly told they could have non-alcoholic beer or elderberry cordial, instead.

The changes at the $350 a night hotel has reportedly caused business to plummet, with reservations being cancelled when potential guests were told that no alcohol could be bought on the premises.

London’s Daily Mail reported that the change happened so quickly, the website and menus had not been updated. Employees were surprised by the sudden change, and said there was not a large Muslim clientele and the food was not halal.


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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]