Photo Credit: Meir Yerushalmi

It almost appears like the police are offering alternate days on the Temple Mount between Jews and Muslims.

On Tuesday, Shavuot eve, the police closed the Temple Mount to Muslims, and let up Jews, while on Wednesday, Shavuot, the Temple Mount was closed to Jews and open to Muslims.


This fine Thursday morning, Isru Chag Shavuot, apparently Jews are being let up, while the Muslims aren’t.

The police have apparently implemented this solution as Jewish visitors have been repeatedly harassed and attacked by Muslim rioters on the Temple Mount during their visits.

It was recently uncovered that Hamas, a partner in the Palestinian Unity Government (PUG), has been paying Arabs on the Temple Mount to scream, curse and attack Jews who visit the Temple Mount in order to discourage and ruin their visits to the Jewish holy site.

Now, all the police have to do is let Jews pray while up there.

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