Photo Credit: Courtesy
Daphna Meir HY"D and her husband

An Arab construction worker, working inside the community of Otniel, entered into a home around 5:30 PM, and stabbed and murdered a 38 year-old woman. The woman was taken to Soroka Medical Center by helicopter in critical condition.

The woman, identified as Daphna Meir HY”D, was murdered in front of 3 of her children. Daphna was a mother to 4 children, as well as two foster children.


She worked as a nurse in Soroka hospital.

Givati Brigade soldiers are searching for the escaped terrorist through the Arab village of Khirbet Karma, near Otniel. The IDF is also still searching for the terrorist inside Otniel, but it’s becoming clearer that he is no longer there.

The community is currently under full lock-down as the army searches for the terrorist.

The funeral for Daphna Meir will leave from Otniel at 9 AM Monday morning, and the funeral will be held in Givat Shaul at 11 AM.

Givati soldiers looking for Otniel killer

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