Photo Credit: Midabrim Tikshoret
Captured terrorist in Givat Ze'ev - Jan. 27, 2016

An Arab terrorist stabbed one person next to the D-Burger restaurant at the gas station outside of the Givat Ze’ev community, north-east of Jerusalem. The attack happened after 11 PM.

A Chabad man, age 36, was seriously wounded in the attack. He was stabbed multiple times and was transported to Sharei Tzedeq hospital. He was rushed to the operating room, and is not yet stable.


The victim, a father of 4, was waiting for his wife at the time, and she witnessed the attack on her husband.

The terrorist was captured by civilians, who overpowered him. One of the civilians was lightly injured during the capture, and was treated on site.

The 17-year-old terrorist was from the village of Bir Nabala – which is the same village where IDF soldier Nachshon Wachsman HY”D was held hostage in 1994.

Police and army are looking for a possible second suspect who may have helped the terrorist.

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