Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Funeral of Malachi Rosenfeld

Malachi Moshe Rosenfeld, 26, was buried in Kochav HaShachar in Samaria early Wednesday afternoon after he succumbed last night to bullet wounds from Palestinian Authority terrorists.

Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) chairman and Minister of Education Naftali Bennett was among hundreds of people at the funeral.


He called Rosenfeld “a symbol of the State of Israel, which salutes you.” Bennett quoted Psalms 18:37 to say, ” I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them, never turning back until they were consumed.”

Kochav HaShachar Rabbi Ohad Krakover called on the government to respond to the terrorist attack be strengthening a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. The murder of Rosenfeld was the third loss in the family. His older brother Naftali, an Air Force pilot, died in 2002 in an accident, and his uncle was killed while he was in the army in 1978.

Malachi’s father Eliezer is widely known as a clarinet player who performs at weddings.
He cried at the funeral, “What did we do wrong?

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