It’s that time of the season again, when night birds in Israel get an extra hour to surf the net and their sleepy pals get an extra hour of sleep in the sack. The downside is another hour stuck in 2020.
(Sleeping well directly affects one’s mental and physical health, so make sure to get enough shut-eye.)
Israeli winter starts this weekend as soon as we turn the clocks back one hour at 2 am Saturday night / Sunday morning, making it 1 am and officially marking the end of Daylight Savings Time in the State of Israel.
We will turn the clocks ahead on March 26, 2021, creating a longer day, and much more sunlight for farmers and folks who love the light.
And if you’re in Israel, don’t forget to add “V’Ten Tal U’Matar L’Bracha” to your Shemoneh Esrei prayers.