Photo Credit: courtesy of Tzohar
A past Tzohar summer conference in Jerusalem.

Can an English-speaking immigrant ever truly fit in within Israeli society?

This question forms the centerpiece of this year’s summer conference of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization. Planned for July 8 at the Jerusalem Convention Center (Binyanei Ha’Uma), the gathering will feature a dedicated track for English speakers.


Among the subjects to be discussed is the question of whether English-speaking immigrants to Israel have any influence in Diaspora Jewish communities.

Renowned for its work within Israeli society using Jewish tradition to bridge gaps between communities, Tzohar’s Rabbi Reuven Spolter says the organization has identified many unique issues that deserve to be asked.

Within the “anglo” community, many are coping with questions of Jewish identity and practice, he says.

The conference will include a day-long series of sessions and panels on contemporary issues relevant to Israel and Judaism, including the issue of a “good fit” for English-speaking olim.

“Tzohar has proudly shown that Israel’s rabbinical and communal leadership has a voice that deserves to be shared with people of all backgrounds, which of course includes the English-speaking community,” said Rabbi Reuven Spolter.

“At the same time, we need to appreciate that we as Anglos face unique challenges living and raising our children in Israel. This conference will highlight that understanding while creating a dialogue on many of the key issues important to Anglo olim.”

Among the subjects to be discussed are the challenges and opportunities of parenting Anglo teens within a Hebrew-speaking culture, if and how Anglo-Israelis can influence Diaspora Jewry and a session on maintaining intimacy in marriage.

“The Anglo community in Israel is not simply growing in terms of numbers, but also has a large influence on the character and makeup of our country and in particular within the Religious Zionist world,” says Tzohar’s founder and president Rabbi David Stav. “It was therefore important to us to include an English component to our annual conference and we very much hope that this will be welcomed and embraced by many.”

To find out more or to register to attend, click here.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.