Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90
UN Envoy Robert Serry in Khan Younis, Gaza

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman is trying to have UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, Robert Serry, be declared persona non grata in Israel and expelled, according to a Channel 2 report.

Serry tried to find a way to transfer $20 million dollars from Qatar to Hamas.


Serry had reportedly first asked Palestinian Unity Government president Mahmoud Abbas to facilitate the transfer, but Abbas refused. He even tried to get Israel to allow it, and when that failed tried, he tried to transfer the money via the UN. Talk about determination.

Serry has also expressed criticism of Israel’s attempts to find and free the three boys kidnapped by Hamas, Eyal Yifrach, Gil-ad Shaar, and Naftali Frankel, and said Israel should show restraint.

Last week the UN chairman Ban Ki-Moon’s spokesperson stated they were unsure if the boys were even kidnapped.

Liberman has reportedly long thought that Serry was biased against Israel.

Seems to be a common problem at the UN.

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