Photo Credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90
MK Tzipi Livni

[She] who digs a pit will fall in it (Proverbs 26:27)

Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal: former Israeli foreign minister and then Justice Minister, who has traveled from the political right (rebuking Labor for forsaking the holy land) all the way to the pro-Palestinian faction of the Zionist Camp (a.k.a. Labor), has had to cancel her Monday trip to Brussels (to meet Jewish leaders there) after the local Le Soir quoted Belgian prosecutors who said they wanted to question her over her war crimes allegations.


A spokesman for the Brussels get-together said the cancellation was for “personal reasons,” but, according to Le Soir, she was in no mood to answer Arab allegations of war crimes in the 2008-9 Gaza War, when she was foreign minister. Or, as a federal prosecution spokesperson put it, “We wanted to take advantage of her visit to try to advance the investigation.”

The truth is, having MK Tzipi Livni behind bars in Brussels (best chocolate and beer of any prison system in the world, the waffles – so-so) would solve the burning problem of the Zionist Camp, which is what to do with Tzipi Livni. She came onboard just in time for the 2015 elections, and hasn’t made many friends inside the party since (or anywhere else). Just about every Labor MK (except for the leader, Herzog) sees her as trouble, especially when the party is preparing to shrink significantly in the next elections. When she praised John Kerry’s last anti-Israel speech, calling it the foundation for Israel’s policy should Labor ever win again, she may have cost the party dearly in its efforts to move to the center.

Le Soir explained that the former Israeli minister would be subject to police interrogation should she set foot in Brussels (assuming Brussels had not been blown up by ISIS by then) based on a complaint by the Belgo-Palestinian Association (ABP), which sates that “Tzipi Livni, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, as such is responsible for the decisions taken during Operation Cast Lead to the same degree as Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak.”

But wait, there’s more: the ABP complaint cites Tzipi Livni’s own statement, in a January 19, 2009 interview on the Israel’s Channel 10 News:

“Israel demonstrated real hooliganism during the course of the recent operation…”

Is this delicious, or what? Beats chocolate and beer…

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